How to Attach Attributes to an Individual Student Record

This article applies to the following role permissions: ConexED Administrator - Director - Group Manager

Attributes are created for campus-wide use by a ConexED Administrator. You can easily access a list of your institution's existing Attributes on the Admin Panel > Attributes page. Below is an example of how Attributes will appear in the Admin Panel:

Attribute Admin Panel

Attributes act as tags that are linked to individual student records, allowing for reporting based on students who share a common characteristic. Attributes exist and function independently of of Cohorts created in the system and serve as filters for reporting across the entire platform.

Some examples of attributes include PELL, FYIC, ATHL for Pell grant recipients, First Year In College students and Student Athletes, respectively.  

Attach an Attribute to an Individual Student Record

First, navigate to the Student Details page using the Student Lookup feature.  Next, scroll down to find the Attribute section. Here you will see any existing Attribute that has been attached to that individual student. Clicking into the box will display a list of Attributes that have been created for your school. Highlight the attribute you want to add, click the Update Attributes button, and the Attribute will be successfully saved to the student record. 

Attach an attribute to an individual student record

There are a number of ways to attach Attributes to a Student Record, including bulk upload and SIS integration options. Please contact your ConexED Administrator or for more information regarding options on your institution.