Calendar Sync

This article applies to the following role permissions: ConexED Administrator - Director - Group Manager - Faculty/Staff

The ConexED platform offers the option to allow users to synchronize their ConexED Calendar with their Outlook or Google calendar account at the school in which they work. Some advantages of synchronizing your calendars:

  1. Access from Anywhere:
    • Synchronizing calendars allows you to access your schedule from multiple devices and locations. Whether you're at home, at work, or on the go, you can stay up-to-date with your appointments and events.
  2. Avoiding Double Booking:
    • By syncing calendars, you reduce the risk of double booking. This is particularly useful if you have multiple commitments and events happening simultaneously.
  3. Time Management:
    • A synchronized calendar can help you manage your time more efficiently. You can easily see your schedule and plan your day or week accordingly.
  4. Automatic Updates:
    • Changes made in one calendar are automatically reflected in the synchronized calendar. This ensures that you always have the latest information without manually updating multiple calendars.
  5. Reduced Confusion:
    • Synchronization reduces the likelihood of confusion and conflicting information. When everyone involved has access to the same schedule, misunderstandings and communication errors are minimized.
  6. Real-Time Updates:
    • Changes made to the calendar are often updated in real-time. This means that if someone else makes a modification or adds an event, you'll see the update immediately.

Keep in mind that when it comes to appointments made from within the ConexED platform, those appointments can only be modified within the ConexED calendar.  Making any adjustments on the synchronized calendar will not reflect back within ConexED.

Steps to Synchronize Calendars

Step 1. Navigate to "My Calendar" or your assigned "Group Calendar". Click the small gear box on the right side of the screen.

Calendar Sync _ Step 1

Step 2: Click on the "Calendar Sync" tab and then click on "Connect" for the Google or Outlook calendar, which ever you use at your school.

Calndar Sync _ Step 2

Step 3: A new tab will open, choose the account you want to synchronize with ConexED, you may need to sign in to access your account. You may also need to click yes to grant access to the account.

Step 4: Choose from the "Sync Direction" drop down box to push, pull, or push and pull appointments/events from the calendar. In addition, choose if you want the ConexED hours to appear on your work calendar or if you want to "Omit Office Hours".

Calendar Sync _ Step 3

Step 5: The final step is to apply changes and within the minutes the calendars will be synchronized.

Calendar Sync _ Apply Changes