Cancel or Reschedule Appointments

This article applies to the following role permissions: Administrator - Director - Group Manager - Faculty/Staff - Front Desk Manager

On the group calendar, click on the appointment you would like to cancel. This will open the Appointment Details window as shown in Figure 1. Click on the red “Cancel Appointment” button to begin the cancellation process (Figure 1). If you are sure you want to cancel the selected appointment, input a reason for cancellation in the pop-up illustrated in Figure 2 and click “OK” to finish canceling the originally selected appointment.

Figure 1


Figure 2

Confirm the Cancelation

cancel-confirmation-1920x1100 2

Rescheduling an Appointment

To reschedule an appointment on the same day, click on the appointment you wish to move and drag and drop it into the desired time slot and calendar of the person you want to reschedule with. Remember to refresh the browser window to see the changes reflected.



If you need to reschedule to a different day or make changes to the Intake Form, click on the appointment to open the Appointment Details. Then, use the Reschedule button to access the scheduler form. From there, you can view the original appointment details, apply any necessary filters, and complete the Intake Form for the new appointment.