Create Event Milestones

This article applies to the following role permissions: Administrator - Director - Group Manager

Milestone Creation

There are four types of Milestones that can be created: Standard, Meeting, Whiteboard and Classroom (Event).

Classroom (Event) Milestone

The Add Milestone creation form shown in Figure 1  has the following fields: 

  • Title
  • Type: Choose Classroom
  • Assigned Group: Once Classroom type is chosen, the system prompts the user to choose the group that is hosting the event
  • Due Date Type: You may choose a specific date or days from start
  • Description
  • Labels: This feature will allow you to search for milestones using the label.
  • Prerequisite Milestone: Select which milestone (if any) will need to be completed before
  • Completion Request Options (illustrated in Figure 2 above): Notify all staff assigned to cohort; allow students to mark milestone as complete; select advisors to notify–save milestone to specific advisors.

Figure 1
Classroom Milestone

Once you completed all of the required and optional fields, click Create Milestone, and the additional fields will appear. 

  • Attachments: Students will be able to download this attachment.
  • Reminders: Type in the number of periods, and choose days or weeks.  Choose before due date, after student starts milestone, since cohort assignment.
  • Advisors With Whom a Completion Meeting Can Be Scheduled: Shows the group that was chosen to host the event in Step 1 of setting up a Classroom Milestone.  This can be changed by clicking unassign group and choosing a different group.  Only one group can be assigned and not individual staff members.

Click on "Update Milestone" after completing the fields with your customizations. 

Figure 2

Additional Fields for Customizing the Milestone for Attachments, Reminders, and Group Assigned to Host the Event