This article applies to the following role permissions: ConexED Administrator - Department Director - Group Manager - Faculty/Staff
With our Canvas LTI, staff members and students can seamlessly access ConexED directly from their Canvas account, providing easy and convenient communication and collaboration opportunities. In order to access ConexED through Canvas and see your Canvas courses listed under the "My Courses" tab on ConexED, staff members and students must grant permission for ConexED to connect to their Canvas account for each course they are enrolled in. To grant permission, simply click on the designated ConexED link that is located in either the left-hand navigation menu or within a course module*:
*Note: The location of this link may vary depending on how your instructor has organized your Canvas Course.
After clicking on the ConexED link, you will be taken to a new page where a popup will appear. Click on the "Authorize" button to allow ConexED access to your Canvas course:
After granting permission, you will be directed to your ConexED account. Remember to follow these steps for each Canvas course you are enrolled in if you want the course to show up under the "My Courses" tab in your ConexED account:
You will only need to authorize access for each Canvas course once. Once you have authorized a course, clicking the ConexED link again in Canvas will automatically redirect you to your ConexED account. If you don't see the course appearing under the "My Courses" tab after authorizing access from your Canvas course, simply log out of your account and log back in to make the newly authorized course visible in ConexED.