How to Set Up Zoom Office Hours

This article applies to the following role permissions: ConexED Administrator - Department Director - Group Manager - Faculty/Staff

After linking your Zoom account, you have the option to host virtual meetings using either the ConexED Video platform or Zoom. In order for students to schedule Zoom meetings with staff members at their school, the staff member must configure their Office Hours to allow for online meetings through Zoom. Keep in mind that students are not able to choose the specific video platform for their meetings; the location (either Zoom or ConexED Video) is determined by what the staff member chooses when setting up their Office Hours. 


ConexED Admins, Department Admins, Group Admins, and Faculty/Staff members have the ability to set up their own Zoom Office Hours directly from their personal calendar:

1. Navigate to your Office Hours & Settings under the Settings & Documents tab

Office Hours & Setting tab

Note: You can also access your personal calendar by clicking on "My Calendar" in the Scheduling tab:

My Calendar tab

2. From your personal calendar, you can choose to create new Office Hours specifically for Zoom meetings, or you can also modify an existing Office Hour series or occurrence to accommodate Zoom meetings. In the "Where" section of the Create Office Hour modal, select the checkbox next to Video Meeting and select Zoom from the dropdown menu:

Online Meeting Dropdown

Where -- Appt Details

3. After saving your changes, you will notice that your Office Hours now show the location as a Zoom Meeting:

Zoom Office Hours on Group Calendar

ConexED Admins, Department Admins, and Group Managers have the ability to configure Zoom Office Hours of other Faculty/Staff members through the Master Scheduler. Creating Zoom Office Hours from the Master Scheduler follows the same process as setting up Zoom Office Hours for yourself from either My Calendar or Office Hours & Settings.