Add a Student to the Kiosk Live Queue

This article applies to the following role permissions: ConexED Administrator - Director - Group Manager - Faculty/Staff - Front Desk Agent

To add a student to the Live Queue, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the Check-in Kiosk tab of your Group

2. Click on the "Dashboard" button for the specific Kiosk location where you want to add the student:

Kiosk Location Nav options Dashboard Button

3. On the Check-in Kiosk Dashboard, click on the button labeled "Add Student to Queue": 

Add Student to Queue button

4. After clicking the "Add Student to Queue" button, you will be able to input the necessary information for the student's meeting:

Add a Student to the Live Queue

Select a Student: Begin typing the name of the student you would like to add and select the student from the populated options. If the student does not currently exist in our system, you can use the "Create New Student" button to successfully add the student to the Live Queue

Select a Counselor: Select a specific Faculty/Staff member for the student to meet with, or choose "Next Available" to assign this student to the next available advisor

Select a Reason for Meeting: Select a Reason Code associated with the meeting

Note: Only Reason Codes that have the "Show in Kiosk" option enabled will appear 

Check-In Notes: Add any additional notes or details regarding the student and/or meeting 

5. Click "Add" to add the Student to the Live Queue